My Dark heart


I’m doing a little exploration on shadow work, sounds a bit omnimous doesn’t it! But actually its more about acceptance of every part of yourself. The good, the bad and the ugly! We are always told how important self worth is, but how can you love yourself if you don’t accept every aspect of you, I mean we are all human and have good and bad traits.

Shadow work is really looking at yourself and seeing the whole you, the dark side, the side of you, that in all honesty, you would prefer no one saw! I’m all about the light and goodness in people, positivity posts etc but I know I have don’t always practise what I preach.

I am learning to embrace it all ( and I can say it does get easier with age), I think not being of the generation of social media influencers with their perfect bodies and perfect lifestyle, perfect homes, perfect holidays, makes it easier to just be myself. I do worry for the younger generation who seem to be striving for perfection constantly but not just embracing the truth. Looking at my darker side, my anxiety ridden, stubborn, lets stay here in my comfort zone where its all warm and cozy, overly sensitive, doubtful, ass (and yes I am probably more than just these) I need to accept these as just what makes me ME.

I can turn some of these into a positive, I mean ok so I get anxious about new situations and people, but I do feel stronger when I face my fears, and you cant say I’m not prepared for the event, I go everything tenfold! Stubborn, definietly is a trait that seems to be in every member of my household including the cat, but I know its something I have to step down on occassions with to have a happy house. Doubtful, gosh I doubt so many things, me being able to do anything, peoples good intentions etc but this is also connected to my “lets stick in the comfort zone” when I know in reality stepping out of it will end up being where ‘the magic is at’.

Anyway I can’t believe how much I have written, its such a great topic and Id love to hear your thoughts on it.

Big love





Divination (part 2)